It was never nothing personal, some shit I was going through
Diskussioner som den i onsdags gör mig så frustrerad. För ni förstår inte och jag vill så gärna att ni ska förstå, men om ni gjorde det, så behövdes inga ord. Jag vill att ni ska förstå, men samtidigt inte, för om ni förstod, så skulle det betyda att ni varit här, att ni hade hört Honom, och det önskar jag ingen. Ni förstår mig inte, mina ord låter som rent svammel och inget hänger ihop, jag vet det. Men det här går inte att förklara i ord. Försök förstå åtminstone det. Försök förstå, att det inte går att förstå.
Jag vet att ni blir frustrerade och förvirrade. Och det blir jag också. Men ni kommer aldrig förstå. Ni kommer aldrig kunna begripa hur jag kan vända som jag gör, hur dubbelsidig jag är, hur jag kan växla mellan rationalitet, svaghet, styrka och känslosvaj.
Ni kommer aldrig förstå.
Before I start this song man
I just want to thank everybody for being so patient
And bearing with me over these last couple of years
While I figure this shit out
Is anybody out there?
It feels like I'm talkin to myself
No one seems to know my struggle
And everything I come from
Can anybody hear me?
I guess I keep talkin to myself
It feels like I'm going insane
Am I the one who's crazy?
I just want to thank everybody for being so patient
And bearing with me over these last couple of years
While I figure this shit out
Is anybody out there?
It feels like I'm talkin to myself
No one seems to know my struggle
And everything I come from
Can anybody hear me?
I guess I keep talkin to myself
It feels like I'm going insane
Am I the one who's crazy?
So why in the world do I feel so alone?
Nobody but me; I'm on my own
Is there anyone out there?
Who feels the way I feel?
If there is, let me hear just so I know I'm not the only one
/.../there was no one who even knew that I was going through growin' pains/.../
Nobody but me; I'm on my own
Is there anyone out there?
Who feels the way I feel?
If there is, let me hear just so I know I'm not the only one
/.../there was no one who even knew that I was going through growin' pains/.../
/.../God it feels like I'm goin' psychotic
Thank God that I didn't do it/.../
Thank God that I didn't do it/.../
/.../I'm fucking going crazy/.../
/.../So I pick myself off the ground and fuckin swam 'fore I drowned
Hit my bottom so hard I bounced twice suffice this time around/.../
Hit my bottom so hard I bounced twice suffice this time around/.../
/.../I feel like I've let 'em down/.../
/.../I feel like me again; let me formally reintroduce myself/.../
/.../Cause I know what it's like
I struggle with this shit every single day/.../
Is anybody out there?
It feels like I'm talkin to myself
No one seems to know my struggle
And everything I come from
Can anybody hear me?
I guess I keep talkin to myself
It feels like I'm going insane
Am I the one who's crazy?
So why in the world do I feel so alone?
Nobody but me; I'm on my own
Is there anyone out there?
Who feels the way I feel?
If there is, let me hear just so I know I'm not the only one
I struggle with this shit every single day/.../
Is anybody out there?
It feels like I'm talkin to myself
No one seems to know my struggle
And everything I come from
Can anybody hear me?
I guess I keep talkin to myself
It feels like I'm going insane
Am I the one who's crazy?
So why in the world do I feel so alone?
Nobody but me; I'm on my own
Is there anyone out there?
Who feels the way I feel?
If there is, let me hear just so I know I'm not the only one
/.../It was never nothing personal, some shit I was going through/.../